In this highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 Disney hit, brave rabbit cop Judy Hopps and her sly fox friend Nick Wilde reunite to crack their most perilous case yet. Set in the vibrant city of Zootopia, the duo faces intricate challenges as seasoned partners in crime-fighting.
What We Know:
- Release Date: Mark your calendars for November 26, 2025.
- Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Family, Mystery.
- Returning Characters: Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin) and Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman).
- Aspect Ratio: Unlike the first film, which was produced in 2.35:1, Zootopia 2 will be in the 1.85:1 aspect ratio.
- Production Location: Walt Disney Feature Animation in Burbank, California, USA.
- Language: English (also known as “Phi Vụ Động Trời 2” in Vietnam).
What to Expect:
While specific plot details remain under wraps, we anticipate exploring the aftermath of the first movie and the challenges of coexisting in a city of animals. New characters may join the adventure, adding depth to the richly animated world of Zootopia.
Stay tuned for more updates as we eagerly await the return of Judy and Nick in Zootopia 2! 🎥🐰🦊
Remember to share your excitement about this sequel with fellow fans! 🌟🎉
Disclaimer: The information provided is based on available sources and subject to change.