Fans have been buzzing about a potential sequel to the beloved 2007 animated film, “Ratatouille.” However, despite some online teases, Disney and Pixar have not officially confirmed any plans for “Ratatouille 2.” The excitement stems from a viral poster circulating on Facebook, which hinted at a sequel titled “RataTWOille.” In the poster, we see Alfredo […]

Final Destination: Bloodlines is an American supernatural horror film directed by Zach Lipovsky and Adam Stein. It’s set to be released by Warner Bros. Pictures in 2025, coinciding with the franchise’s 25th anniversary . The film promises to deliver the spine-chilling thrills and suspense that fans have come to expect from the Final Destination series. […]

The beloved animated film franchise “How to Train Your Dragon” is set to soar into new territory with a live-action adaptation. Fans worldwide are eagerly awaiting this thrilling adventure, which promises to capture the magic of the original while introducing fresh twists. What We Know So Far Release Date: Originally slated for March 14, 2024, […]