Kaos, a British mythological dark-comedy television series created by Charlie Covell, premiered on Netflix globally on August 29, 2024. This eight-episode gem weaves together bickering gods, striving humans, and the Orpheus and Eurydice journey into the Underworld. Here’s why it’s an absolute triumph:
Plot and Characters
Zeus (Jeff Goldblum): White-suited and debonair, Zeus swaggers around his sprawling palace on Mount Olympus. When a monument to him in Krete is desecrated, he becomes obsessed with a prophecy that threatens his reign.
Hera (Janet McTeer): Zeus’s magisterial wife (and sister) tries to maintain dignity amidst chaos.
Prometheus (Stephen Dillane): Former friend, current prisoner, and immortal enemy of Zeus, he fuels the prophecy’s fulfillment.
Eurydice (Riddy, played by Aurora Perrineau): Killed in a car accident, she embarks on a literal ferry ride across the Styx.
Themes and Brilliance
Subtle Reimagining: Covell’s script builds an alternative modern world where pantheism still rules, and gods mingle with mortals. It’s witty, rigorous, and intelligent.
Humanity and Power: The show delves into what it means to be human, desperate, and powerful. Free will clashes with divine whims.
Jeff Goldblum as Zeus: His vulnerability and neuroses add depth to the character.
Grace Notes: Amidst action and darkness, “Kaos” sprinkles grace notes that resonate.
“Kaos” is hilarious, profound, and moving. Covell’s masterpiece invites us to question our existence, laugh at divine foibles, and embrace chaos. Don’t miss this furiously fun ride! 🌩️🔱