Nice Girls follows the story of Léo (Alice Taglioni), a determined cop on the French Riviera, who is devastated by the murder of her colleague and brother-like figure, Ludo, in Hamburg. Despite being ordered to step down, Léo teams up with German super-cop Mélanie (Stéfi Celma) to uncover the truth. Their investigation leads them to a complex conspiracy tied to a climate change summit in Nice, pushing their partnership and detective skills to the limit.
The film explores themes of grief, justice, and unlikely partnerships. It delves into the dynamics of female camaraderie and professional rivalry, set against the backdrop of a high-stakes investigation. The narrative also touches on environmental issues, adding a layer of contemporary relevance.
Character Development
Léo and Mélanie’s characters are central to the film. Léo is portrayed as a tough, no-nonsense cop, while Mélanie is depicted as a disciplined and methodical officer. Their initial friction gradually evolves into mutual respect and friendship, although some critics argue that the chemistry between the leads feels forced.
Director’s Style
Noémie Saglio’s direction attempts to blend action and comedy, reminiscent of films like “Ocean’s 8” and “The Heat”. However, the execution is uneven, with some action sequences standing out while others fall flat. The film’s tone shifts frequently, which can be jarring for the audience.
Alice Taglioni and Stéfi Celma deliver solid performances, bringing depth to their characters despite the script’s limitations. Their efforts to inject humor and emotion into their roles are commendable, even if the material doesn’t always support them.
Technical Aspects
The cinematography captures the scenic beauty of Nice and the intensity of the action sequences effectively. The soundtrack complements the film’s mood, though it doesn’t particularly stand out. Editing is a weak point, with some scenes feeling unnecessarily prolonged.
- Strong performances by the lead actors
- Engaging action sequences
- Beautiful cinematography showcasing Nice
- Inconsistent tone and pacing
- Forced chemistry between the main characters
- Overly complex plot that can be hard to follow
Overall Impact
“Nice Girls” is a mixed bag. While it has moments of brilliance, particularly in its action scenes and performances, it struggles with a convoluted plot and inconsistent tone. It’s a serviceable watch for fans of the genre but doesn’t leave a lasting impression.
If you’re looking for a light, action-comedy with strong female leads, “Nice Girls” might be worth a watch. However, if you prefer a more cohesive and emotionally resonant film, you might want to revisit classics like “Mean Girls” or “Hustlers”.
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Alice Taglioni
As LéoStéfi Celma
As Mélanie
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