Dream Productions is Pixar Animation Studios’ latest animated miniseries, premiering on Disney+ on December 11, 2024. This exciting series, created by Mike Jones, serves as an interquel set between the beloved films Inside Out (2015) and Inside Out 2 (2024). Plot Overview The series follows Paula Persimmon (voiced by Paula Pell), an acclaimed dream director, […]

The Star Wars universe expands once again with the highly anticipated series, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew. This new addition promises to captivate audiences with its unique blend of adventure, mystery, and the timeless charm of the galaxy far, far away. Plot Overview: Skeleton Crew follows the journey of four kids who make a mysterious discovery […]

Goosebumps: The Vanishing is the latest installment in the beloved Goosebumps anthology series, set to premiere on January 10, 2025, on Disney+ and Hulu. This season promises to deliver spine-chilling thrills and captivating mysteries that fans of R.L. Stine’s classic books have come to love. Plot Overview The story follows twins Devin and Cece Brewer, […]

Get ready for a thrilling ride with “Seoul Busters,” the latest South Korean crime comedy-drama set to premiere on Disney+ on September 11, 2024. This highly anticipated series promises a perfect blend of humor, action, and drama, making it a must-watch for K-drama enthusiasts. Plot Overview “Seoul Busters” follows the story of Dongbang Yu-bin, an […]

The highly anticipated second season of Percy Jackson and the Olympians is officially in production, and fans couldn’t be more excited! Disney+ has confirmed that the new season will adapt Rick Riordan’s second book, The Sea of Monsters. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming season. New Cast Members and Returning Favorites Season […]